Welcome to the Every Day Bouquet Blog!

Hi There!


First, let us start by saying how glad we are that you found us. Here at Every Day Bouquet, we strive to create something unlike any other florist shop in the area. Here, we believe that fresh, beautiful flowers should be accessible to everyone, every day, and on every budget. We believe that buying flowers should be as common as buying your morning cup of coffee or tea. 


Because of our love of nature and how it’s elements enhance the quality of life, we are excited to share this with our community. From the largest selection of unique, handcrafted and in-house designed pick me up bouquets under $20 to fresh local pastries that warm the soul, our Manchester, NH, flower shop is built on a love of flowers, a love of life, and a dedication to sharing both.


So, what does our blog have to do with all of this? 


Well, our blog is one more way that we are able to extend our passion with you. Here, you will find a wealth of information and inside looks at our industry. From understanding the meanings of seasonal flowers to knowing why a Taurus is drawn to roses and poppies, this page will have your answers.


Of course, it will take some time for us to build such a vast library of information. So we ask that you kindly check in frequently to see what is in store next. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to stop by or visit us on Facebook!


every day bouquet


Yes, Every Day Bouquet is on Facebook!

Exciting, we agree. Once you are done exploring our new website, be sure to hop over and like the Every Day Bouquet Facebook page. There, you will find the most recent shop happenings and events, fun facts, and pictures of a few of the unique creations the designers are crafting.


florist near me


As always, we hope each of you has a wonderful day filled with happiness and joy. And, if you happen to be in the area, stop in to say hello! While you’re here, be sure to check out the pick me ups. Why? Well, just because and there is no better reason than that.

The tier 1 bouquet provides an affordable and unique option for every day flower arrangements. Available in store as pick up only, our designers delicately craft seasonal options combining florals and greenery. If you’re looking for an arrangement on a budget, tier 1 will not disappoint.

every day bouquet